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Les psychottropes sont-ils toujours justifiés chez les personnes âgées ?
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Year: 2010 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL,

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The prescription of psychotropic drugs, mainly anxiolytics, hypnotics, antipsychotics and antidepressants, is a major health problem among the elderly persons. They have beneficial effects when they are used appropriately, but numerous studies show that there is over-consumption of these drugs in these vulnerable individuals, and that the risk / benefit ratio is unfavorable to them, with significant adverse drug events. Inappropriate prescriptions are common and sometimes harmful, especially when there are co-prescriptions, while the prescription of antidepressants in really depressed elderly people is insufficient. It is possible to improve the use of psychotropic drugs in these patients by following the indications and contraindications, dosages which must take into account the ageing of organs, and by promoting alternative treatments such as herbal medicine or psychotherapy. La prescription de psychotropes, principalement anxiolytiques, hypnotiques, antipsychotiques et antidépresseurs, constitue un problème de santé majeur chez les personnes âgées. Ils ont des effets bénéfiques quand ils sont utilisés de manière appropriée, mais de nombreuses études montrent qu'il en existe une surconsommation chez ces sujets fragilisés, et que le rapport bénéfices/risques leur est défavorable, avec des effets indésirables importants. Les prescriptions inappropriées sont fréquentes et parfois nocives, notamment lors des co- prescriptions, alors que la prescription des antidépresseurs chez les sujets âgés réellement déprimés est insuffisante. Il est possible d'améliorer l'utilisation des psychotropes chez ces patients en respectant les indications et contre-indications, les posologies qui doivent tenir compte du vieillissement des organes, et en favorisant des traitements alternatifs comme la phytothérapie ou la psychothérapie.

La qualité de prescription chez les personne âgée : analyse des notions de polymédication et de prescription inappropriée

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Dans cette époque marquée par un allongement progressif de l’espérance de vie, les questions de polymédication et de qualité de prescription chez le sujet âgé sont primordiales. Plus une personne vit longtemps, plus elle peut développer des pathologies liées au vieillissement et consommer une multitude de traitements. Une prescription appropriée chez le patient âgé est un enjeu de santé individuelle et de santé publique. Les patients âgés sont potentiellement plus à risque de subir les effets indésirables liés à la prise concomitante de multiples médicaments.
L’objectif de ce travail est double :
1) Appréhender le concept de la polymédication afin d’en comprendre sa prévalence en médecine générale, ses causes et ses implications. Découvrir s’il existe des outils scientifiques pour nous seconder dans notre pratique quotidienne afin d’optimaliser nos prescriptions chez le sujet âgé.
2 ) Etablir une « photographie » de la problématique de la polymédication dans notre pays via une étude de terrain : en évaluer sa fréquence et déterminer s’il existe des caractéristiques associées à la polymédication sur une population de patients âgés fragiles, de plus de 75 ans, venant du domicile ou d’une MR/MRS, et hospitalisés aux Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc.
Divers critères d’évaluation de la prescription chez le sujet âgé sont présentés dans la littérature scientifique. Dans ce travail, je présente les listes de critères d’évaluation les plus récentes et les plus complètes (liste réactualisée de M. Beers, liste française de M.L. Laroche et liste irlandaise STOPP et START de P. Gallagher). Ces outils permettent de sensibiliser le médecin traitant à une prise en charge plus appropriée chez le sujet âgé et sont un soutien pour une revue optimale des traitements. Néanmoins, leur application quotidienne en médecine générale est irréalisable et aucune étude prospective randomisée n’existe afin d’évaluer si leur utilisation permet de réduire la morbidité et la mortalité chez le sujet âgé.
Dans l’étude que j’ai réalisée, le taux de polymédication (défini par un nombre de médicaments au-delà de quatre) s’élève à 77%. Le nombre moyen de médicaments pris par le patient atteint 6.87

Prescription inappropriée en maison de repos en Belgique : application de l'outil STOPP & START
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de pharmacie et des sciences biomédicales,

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For the elderly population the risk of developing adverse drug event is higher. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to their medication. The STOPP & START tool is a list of evidence­ based criteria taking the inappropriate medication, interactions and comorbidities into account. There is firstly a list of recommendations which help to detect potentially inappropriate prescriptions (STOPP: Screening Tool of Older Persan 'spotentially inappropriate Prescriptions) and secondly a list of circumstances in which it would be appropriate to start a new treatment (START: Screening Tool to Alert doctors to the Right Treatment).The objective of this Master thesis is to determine the usefulness of this tool in nursing home and the possibility of its application by the pharmacist in pharmaceutical care. We focus on the specifics characteristics of the elderly population: pharmacokinetics, polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing. We will then present different tools to optimize prescribing for the elderly, and especially the STOPP&START tool. After discussing the role of the pharmacist in a nursing home, we will present the proposed application of this tool in a nursing home that has been developed within the framework of this Master thesis.This will allow us to discuss the feasibility of medication review in Belgium as part of pharmaceutical care. Les personnes âgées constituent une population présentant plus de risques de développer les effets indésirables des médicaments. C'est pourquoi, il est important de faire attention à leur pharmacothérapie. L'outil STOPP & START est composé d'un ensemble de critères basés sur des preuves scientifiques prenant en compte les médicaments inappropriés, les interactions et les comorbidités. Il comprend d'une part une liste de recommandations visant à dépister les prescriptions potentiellement inappropriées (STOPP : Screening Tool of Older Person's potentially inappropriate Prescriptions), et d'autre part une liste de circonstances dans lesquelles il semble approprié de commencer un nouveau traitement (START : Screening Tool to Alert doctors to the Right Treatment).L'objectif de ce mémoire est de déterminer l'utilité de cet outil en maison de repos et les possibilités de son application par le pharmacien d'officine dans le cadre des soins pharmaceutiques. Nous nous intéresserons aux spécificités de la personne âgée : pharmacocinétique, polymédication et prescriptions inappropriées. Ensuite, nous présenterons différents outils permettant d'optimiser la prescription chez les personnes âgées, et plus particulièrement l'outil STOPP &START. Après avoir discuté du rôle du pharmacien d'officine en maison de repos, nous présenterons le projet d'application de cet outil en maison de repos qui a été élaboré dans le cadre de ce mémoire. Cela nous permettra de discuter de la faisabilité de revue de traitement en Belgique dans le cadre des soins pharmaceutiques.

Analyse de la qualité de la prescription médicamenteuse cardiovasculaire (under, mis, over-use) chez des patients âgés diabétiques hospitalisés aux CUSL : diabète et médicaments chez des patients âgés
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de médecine et médecine dentaire,

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Antimicrobial stewardship : principles and practice
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781780644394 Year: 2017 Publisher: Wallingford, Oxfordshire ; Boston, MA : CABI,

Antimicrobial stewardship
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 0128134615 0128104775 9780128134610 9780128104774 Year: 2017 Publisher: London, United Kingdom : Elsevier/AP,

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Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS), Volume Two includes the experience of ESGAP workshops and courses on antibiotic stewardship since 2012. It combines clinical and laboratory information about AMS, with a focus on human medicine. The ESCMID study group on antibiotic policies (ESGAP) is one of the most productive groups in the field, organizing courses and workshops. This book is an ideal tool for the participants of these workshops. With short chapters (around 1500 words) written on different topics, the authors insisted on the following points: A ‘hands on’, practical approach, tips to increase success, a description of the most common mistakes, a global picture (out- and inpatient settings, all countries) and a short list of 10-20 landmark references.

Feature Paper in Antibiotics for 2019
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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There has been much speculation about a possible antibiotic Armageddon; this would be the result of having untreatable post-operative infections, and similarly untreatable complications after chemotherapy. The now famous “O’Neill Report” ( suggests that more people could die from resistant bacterial infections by 2050 than from cancer. We are still learning about all the subtle drivers of antibiotic resistance, and realizing that we need a single “whole of health” co-ordinated policy. We ingest what we sometimes feed to animals. There do not seem to be any new classes of antibiotics on our horizon. Perhaps something that has been around “forever” will come to our rescue—bacteriophages! Nevertheless, we have to do things differently, use antibiotics appropriately, for the correct indication, for the correct duration and with the correct dose, and with that, practice good antibiotic stewardship. Whilst by no means comprehensive, this book does cover some of the many topics of antibiotic stewardship. It also addresses some of the older antibiotics, some new combinations, and even some new agents. Last, and by no means least, there are two excellent articles on bacteriophages.


Medicine --- Antimicrobial resistance --- antibiotics --- antimicrobial stewardship --- inappropriate prescribing --- days of therapy --- Start Smart then Focus --- piperine --- piperlongumine --- antibacterial --- antifungal --- synergy --- non-target feed --- florfenicol --- thiamfenicol --- chloramfenicol --- HPLC–MS/MS --- validation --- swine --- out-of-hours care --- primary care --- quality of care --- quality indicators --- practitioners cooperative --- antibiotic stewardship --- fluoroquinolones --- guidelines --- urinary tract infections --- quality improvement --- general practitioners --- guideline --- health inequalities --- health equity assessment tool --- public health --- Enterobacteriaceae --- carbapenem-resistant --- CRE --- antibiotic resistance --- antimicrobials --- bacteriophages --- biofilms --- novel antimicrobials --- Antibiotics --- resistance --- broad-spectrum agents --- hospital epidemiology --- antibiotic utilization --- infection control --- infection prevention --- Pseudomonas aeruginosa --- Acinetobacter baumannii --- extended-spectrum beta-lactamases --- carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae --- methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus --- clinical trials --- infectious disease --- phage therapy --- silver complexes --- camphorimine --- anti-Candida activity --- antifungals --- antibacterials --- efflux inhibitors --- efflux pumps --- erm(41) --- mutations --- mycobacteria --- verapamil --- actinomycetes --- bioactivity --- polyketides --- polyketide synthases --- biosynthesis --- antimicrobial resistance --- economic evaluation --- cost-utility analysis --- cost-effectiveness analysis --- policy analysis --- One Health --- Singapore --- antibiotic prescribing --- implementation --- behavior change --- stakeholder consultation --- n/a --- HPLC-MS/MS

Feature Paper in Antibiotics for 2019
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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There has been much speculation about a possible antibiotic Armageddon; this would be the result of having untreatable post-operative infections, and similarly untreatable complications after chemotherapy. The now famous “O’Neill Report” ( suggests that more people could die from resistant bacterial infections by 2050 than from cancer. We are still learning about all the subtle drivers of antibiotic resistance, and realizing that we need a single “whole of health” co-ordinated policy. We ingest what we sometimes feed to animals. There do not seem to be any new classes of antibiotics on our horizon. Perhaps something that has been around “forever” will come to our rescue—bacteriophages! Nevertheless, we have to do things differently, use antibiotics appropriately, for the correct indication, for the correct duration and with the correct dose, and with that, practice good antibiotic stewardship. Whilst by no means comprehensive, this book does cover some of the many topics of antibiotic stewardship. It also addresses some of the older antibiotics, some new combinations, and even some new agents. Last, and by no means least, there are two excellent articles on bacteriophages.


Medicine --- Antimicrobial resistance --- antibiotics --- antimicrobial stewardship --- inappropriate prescribing --- days of therapy --- Start Smart then Focus --- piperine --- piperlongumine --- antibacterial --- antifungal --- synergy --- non-target feed --- florfenicol --- thiamfenicol --- chloramfenicol --- HPLC–MS/MS --- validation --- swine --- out-of-hours care --- primary care --- quality of care --- quality indicators --- practitioners cooperative --- antibiotic stewardship --- fluoroquinolones --- guidelines --- urinary tract infections --- quality improvement --- general practitioners --- guideline --- health inequalities --- health equity assessment tool --- public health --- Enterobacteriaceae --- carbapenem-resistant --- CRE --- antibiotic resistance --- antimicrobials --- bacteriophages --- biofilms --- novel antimicrobials --- Antibiotics --- resistance --- broad-spectrum agents --- hospital epidemiology --- antibiotic utilization --- infection control --- infection prevention --- Pseudomonas aeruginosa --- Acinetobacter baumannii --- extended-spectrum beta-lactamases --- carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae --- methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus --- clinical trials --- infectious disease --- phage therapy --- silver complexes --- camphorimine --- anti-Candida activity --- antifungals --- antibacterials --- efflux inhibitors --- efflux pumps --- erm(41) --- mutations --- mycobacteria --- verapamil --- actinomycetes --- bioactivity --- polyketides --- polyketide synthases --- biosynthesis --- antimicrobial resistance --- economic evaluation --- cost-utility analysis --- cost-effectiveness analysis --- policy analysis --- One Health --- Singapore --- antibiotic prescribing --- implementation --- behavior change --- stakeholder consultation --- n/a --- HPLC-MS/MS

Feature Paper in Antibiotics for 2019
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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There has been much speculation about a possible antibiotic Armageddon; this would be the result of having untreatable post-operative infections, and similarly untreatable complications after chemotherapy. The now famous “O’Neill Report” ( suggests that more people could die from resistant bacterial infections by 2050 than from cancer. We are still learning about all the subtle drivers of antibiotic resistance, and realizing that we need a single “whole of health” co-ordinated policy. We ingest what we sometimes feed to animals. There do not seem to be any new classes of antibiotics on our horizon. Perhaps something that has been around “forever” will come to our rescue—bacteriophages! Nevertheless, we have to do things differently, use antibiotics appropriately, for the correct indication, for the correct duration and with the correct dose, and with that, practice good antibiotic stewardship. Whilst by no means comprehensive, this book does cover some of the many topics of antibiotic stewardship. It also addresses some of the older antibiotics, some new combinations, and even some new agents. Last, and by no means least, there are two excellent articles on bacteriophages.


Antimicrobial resistance --- antibiotics --- antimicrobial stewardship --- inappropriate prescribing --- days of therapy --- Start Smart then Focus --- piperine --- piperlongumine --- antibacterial --- antifungal --- synergy --- non-target feed --- florfenicol --- thiamfenicol --- chloramfenicol --- HPLC–MS/MS --- validation --- swine --- out-of-hours care --- primary care --- quality of care --- quality indicators --- practitioners cooperative --- antibiotic stewardship --- fluoroquinolones --- guidelines --- urinary tract infections --- quality improvement --- general practitioners --- guideline --- health inequalities --- health equity assessment tool --- public health --- Enterobacteriaceae --- carbapenem-resistant --- CRE --- antibiotic resistance --- antimicrobials --- bacteriophages --- biofilms --- novel antimicrobials --- Antibiotics --- resistance --- broad-spectrum agents --- hospital epidemiology --- antibiotic utilization --- infection control --- infection prevention --- Pseudomonas aeruginosa --- Acinetobacter baumannii --- extended-spectrum beta-lactamases --- carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae --- methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus --- clinical trials --- infectious disease --- phage therapy --- silver complexes --- camphorimine --- anti-Candida activity --- antifungals --- antibacterials --- efflux inhibitors --- efflux pumps --- erm(41) --- mutations --- mycobacteria --- verapamil --- actinomycetes --- bioactivity --- polyketides --- polyketide synthases --- biosynthesis --- antimicrobial resistance --- economic evaluation --- cost-utility analysis --- cost-effectiveness analysis --- policy analysis --- One Health --- Singapore --- antibiotic prescribing --- implementation --- behavior change --- stakeholder consultation --- n/a --- HPLC-MS/MS

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